Tuesday, December 10, 2019

What are the main Benefits of Healthier Fruit Juice Syrup?

Nothing is healthier than eating fresh fruit a day it’s a long saying “eating an apple a day keeps the doctor away” (aphorism coined in 1913). Adding a glass of juice to your diet is equally rewarding. Having a glass of fruit juice syrup every morning helps in detoxifying your body. If you do not have a fruit every day, the easiest alternative is juice as a part of the diet. A glass of juice contains all the enzymes, minerals and vitamins that are easily absorbed in your body. The regular intake of fruit juice syrups keeps you away from ailments.

Promotes weight loss: You can start by drinking a glass of juice every morning to see the difference in your weight. Besides weight loss, fruit juice syrups strengthen your immune system, aid digestion and prevent allergies & ailments from entering your system. Fruit juices detoxify your body and naturally flush out the toxins from your body which results in weight loss.

Enriched with vitamins: Eating raw fruits and vegetables is beneficial over juices. However, juices have the advantage of providing water to your body and keeping it hydrated. Every juice comes with a certain health benefit and adds value to your system. The best part about fruit juices syrup is that your body easily digests liquid and instantly provides the nutritional value.

Prevent Food Craving:  Every time you have a craving for eating something, you usually turn to junk which is not healthy in the long run. The best part about fruit juice syrup is that it prevents the craving for the time being and fills you up till your next meal. Juices are good but like they say – Anything in excess is harmful! You must avoid consuming fruit juices as it contains sugar which could increase your blood sugar levels if consumed excessively.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Some Tea Benefits (tapioca bubble & Taiwanese bubble tea)

No matter what the season, tapioca bubble tea or Taiwanese bubble tea is a tasty beverage since it can be served iced or hot. Its benefits are beyond refreshment. There is plenty of research showing that drinking tea can actually improve your health. It’s a flavorful way of getting enough fluid into your body each day. Studies have shown teas can help protect your teeth and your heart, as well as possibly even helping to stave off cancer.
Which type of tea you drink can make a difference. All non-herbal teas are made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant.
Tea Contain Antioxidants: Antioxidants prevent the body’s version of rust and help to keep one young and protect from damage of pollution. Load up on antioxidants with tea.
May reduce the risk of heart attack and Stroke: Combined data from a host of earlier reports, found nearly 20 percent reduction in the risk of heart attack and a 35 percent reduced risk of stroke among those who drank one to three cups of tea a day. Those who drank four or more cups of green tea daily had a 32 percent reduction at the risk of having a heart attack and lower levels of LDL cholesterol.
Contains Less Caffeine: Taiwanese bubble tea or tapioca bubble tea has less caffeine as compared to its counterpart coffee, while traditional teas have less than 50 percent of what typically is found in coffee. One can consume it without heavy caffeine effects on your nervous system.
May protect your bones: Data from recent animal studies has shown that green tea may prevent bone loss, with more calcium than milk, as well as iron, vitamin A and K, moringa tea is a great addition to help keep those bones strong.
Tea May Boost Immune system: Studies have shown tea can tune up immune cells so they reach their targets quicker. Tea has been used by Ayurveda practitioners for centuries to help keep the immune system strong after injuries or illnesses thanks to its antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

What is Bubble Tea and Why Bubble Tea Company is needed?

There’s no denying that in any business, innovation is an essential element for ensuring growth in the long run. One such innovation in the tea market is the emergence of Bubble Tea!
What started out as a tea stall in Taiwan in the 1980s paved its way into the international market and has been gaining momentum? Many may think that bubble tea is just a fad that will come and go, but its prolonged existence for almost two decades now tells a different story.
With the increasing approach of bubble tea culture, many business opportunities have cropped up for aspiring entrepreneurs.

So, what exactly is Bubble Tea?
Bubble tea is a non-alcoholic the beverage that is made with iced tea, coffee, and flavourings such as Mango, Litchi, Peach, Plum etc., milk tea powder and chewy pearls (Boba) at the bottom of the drink, usually made from tapioca.
Many people may think that the drink is called “bubble tea” because of the presence of tapioca pearls. If you too feel the same, then it’s time to burst your bubble
The name actually comes from the fact that when the drink is prepared, it is shaken in a cocktail shaker to form air bubbles, making the drink light and frothy.

Why Bubble Tea Company?
As mentioned earlier, the bubble tea originated in Taiwan in the 1980s and the trend took the global market by storm by early 2000s. What took it so long to enter the market is the question of the hour?
The fact is that the trend of Bubble Tea Company did foray earlier, but couldn’t pick up the right pace. This is because of the fact that not everyone likes the original bubble tea. Traditionally, bubble tea was made only with black tea which, according to research, was not widely accepted (as it is just black tea). Thus, bubble tea made with black tea was rejected by customers.
However, with customisation, bubble tea gained momentum in the Indian market. The key was to experiment with flavours and variations of tapioca, which suits the taste buds.

Sneaking through the back door of the China Towns, bubble tea has made its mark all over the world and the last piece of the puzzle.
Other reasons, which make bubble tea lucrative business opportunities are as follows:
·         easy to prepare
·         less staff required
·         flexible format
·         easy training

Bubble Tea is one of the most popular drinks all over the world. It’s a drink that will quench your thirst and give you something to chew at the same time. The most popular flavours are taro bubble tea, honeydew bubble tea, milk tea bubble tea, and mango bubble tea. Of course, everyone has their own favourite!

Bubble Tea Manufacturer has been used to make more than just bubble tea drinks, but desserts like pudding, ice cream, bar drinks, mochi (Japanese sticky rice ball) and many others.
Don’t get bored with the typical latte and espresso, grab something fun to drink and chew at the same!